Frequently Asked Questions

What are EMFs?

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) occur in nature and are vital to life on earth. For example, sunlight or the earth's magnetic field. Unnatural, man-made EMFs are caused by the development of technology over the last 100 years without due concern for biological implications and have become a major public health concern. With health issues on the rise, it is important to reduce our exposure particularly in our homes where our bodies rest and repair daily.

There are 4 types of EMFs. Each are measured and mitigated differently.

magnetic fields emf solutions

Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Fields form when current flows and can penetrate our bodies and walls. Common sources are building wiring errors, transformers (ie; phone charger), motors, metal furniture and power lines. Mitigation involves distance or removal of offending sources.

electric fields emf solutions

Electric Fields

Electric Fields are present with voltage even if devices are off. Our bodies are conductive and therefore attract electric fields which can disrupt our own biorhythms. Common sources are unshielded building wiring (Romex cables), lamps, appliances, high voltage transmission lines, and power cords. Mitigation includes shielding, distance or removal of offending sources.

radio frequency rf solutions

Radio Frequency

Radio frequency is high frequency emissions by wireless communication devices. Common sources are cell phone towers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters, Bluetooth and many more wireless devices. Mitigation includes shielding, distance or removal of offending sources.

dirty electricity emf solutions

Dirty Electricity

Dirty Electricity is micro-surge electric pollution and exists when electromagnetic energy flowing along a conductor deviates from a pure 60 Hz sine wave. Common sources are chargers, solar energy inverters, pool pumps, non-incandescent light bulbs, dimmer switches, and many more electronics. Mitigation includes filtering the energy with specific equipment and removal of offending sources.

What are the health concerns?

Our daily dosage of electromagnetic radiation continues to be on the increase especially from radio frequency arising from wireless devices. Most modern homes have Wi-Fi, smart devices, electronics and various chargers, solar energy and LED/CFL lighting. Given the worldwide decline in overall health of western populations, some scientists suspect that at the root of many modern diseases lies the impact of electromagnetic energy. Evidence points to potentially broad health impacts, particularly immune system impacts (see BioInitiaive Report).

Some problems attributed to electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) are:

• Difficulties in concentration

• Dizziness

• Headaches and nausea

• Aches in muscles and joints

• Cardiac palpitations

• Memory loss

• Coordination problems

• Sleep disorders

• Childhood leukemia (Ref: Nancy Wertheimer, Electrical Wiring Configurations & Childhood Cancer, 1979)

• Cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer, autism, behavioral disorders, chronic fatigue and


What Can I Do To Protect Myself Now?

EMFs are ubiquitous but you can still control your own environment. Taking any steps to reduce your exposure is considered positive. See our Pre-Assessment Checklist to get started protecting yourself now. And schedule a professional EMF assessment for a personalized plan for your home or office.

What to expect during an EMF assessment?

An on-site assessment begins with a brief overview of what EMFs are, common sources, how they may affect you and options to reduce exposure.

Measurements will be collected inside and outside the building with priority focus on the sleeping areas as well as additional places people spend considerable time.

The results are recorded on a handwritten data sheet. Relative health risk assessments are discussed and basic remediation options are presented. Some solutions will be simple and cost effective like relocating or replacing a device. Comprehensive risk mitigation solutions are also introduced but may require a future project. Shielding is a common solution as are wiring-error based remediation steps involving additional vendors such as an electrician, painter, or general contractor.

Assessments work best with client input and participation. Identification of sources is an interactive process and can include activities such as informing of the utility set-up and hidden devices, as well as turning breaker switches on/off. Circuits should be labeled at the main electric panel and any subpanels in advance of the inspection. Since decisions often need to be made as impact on home function compared to relative risk assessment is discussed, it is useful to have all decision makers present.

A typical home will take an average of 4 hours to assess (2,000 square feet with 2 sleeping areas). Each additional sleeping area or 1,000 square feet is estimated at an additional hour to assess. Real estate pre-purchase inspections take 1-2 hours on average to complete. Offices are estimated at 2-4 hours but  vary depending on size and amount of equipment.